Our Partners
Working in isolation doesn’t get you anywhere. We realised this, and thus slowly and steadily assembled a network of partners, collaborators and advisors, which have all played their part in turning our humble Mine Kafon project into the success story it is nowadays. Take a look below at who our friends are, what they’ve contributed to our cause, and how they are actively saving lives and changing the world alongside us.

We recognise the great potential of the Limburg region, and collaborate with LIOF so that we can be a part of this success.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency made sure that our conceptual projects had the financial backing to actually happen.

With support from the Ministry, we achieve a perfect synergy between local excellence and a national/ international scope.

We are proud to have been funded by the European Commission for a feasibility project regarding the MKD System.

As humanitarian demining is one of our top goals, we are proud to be a part of GIGHD’s annual workshops on mine action.

The local administration has always been enthusiastic in its support for our cause, and has provided continuous assistance.

With campuses all around southern Netherlands, Fontys has time and time again supplied us with excellent engineers.

Partnering with a local university is of great help, and partnering with a university that continuously tops world rankings is even better.

Droneport is an important partner; situated nearby, it is the place we host most of our regional product demonstrations.

When attending lectures or expos, we wear Tommy Hilfiger shirts – a symbol of our strong collaboration for humanitarian purposes.

Our drones wouldn’t be the same without Ultimaker’s top quality 3D printers, which have been running almost non-stop for years.

We love to think internationally, so we partnered up with a French university to work together on the development of key components.

We work with the local PwC branch for quality legal advice, as well as providing growth and direction for the Mine Kafon Foundation.
“The world is too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which anti-personnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth.”